Thursday, March 24, 2011

Signs of Spring

One or two days of spring weather, and I am so happy. We have seen so many sweet signs of spring, including some that we have never seen before. Over the weekend, we were setting the table in the early evening, looked out, and saw movement by the bayberry bushes. Bruce ran for the binoculars, and I ran for my camera. Unfortunately, it was one of those dreary March low light days, so you can barely see this flock of turkey hens. I had heard them way in the distance when we first moved here, but have never seen them around here at all. Bruce counted 13 of them, as I trotted down the path to the woods.

There are two behind the shrubs to the left, and maybe three
heading toward the woods of Camp Colegate

Now they are all going single file to the back of the woods

Bruce and I took a walk through the woods the other evening, one of the rare afternoons that the sun was out. I transplanted so many of my bulbs and wildflowers from Landen to the woods back here. It makes for a nice little treat to stroll back there and find these delightful surprises. The contrast against the drab woods floor makes them even more of a delight.


Grace on the daffodil trail


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