Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day of 'Git R Done'

Last week I was very disappointed in self, that I had not accomplished my winter chores. Surely, with the weather as miserable as it has been, I have had ample opportunity to be productive. So I printed weekly planners from my computer, and began to lay out my agenda. Part of my dilemma is that I am selective about performing the appropriate chores, dependent on the appropriate weather. I mapped out the forecast for the week (cold, chance of rain, sleet, snow), and began to pencil in the chores and dinner menus. One of my many goals is to work through our freezer to provide more room for extra garden produce. This only makes sense, as I had already worked through my menu of winter recipe favorites (need to cook all day, require greater than usual preparation, or utilize the oven). End result, success. My chores are getting crossed off the list, and my freezer is providing delicious meals and gaining space.

So yesterday I prepared breakfast, reviewed my email, then headed out to the hens with a window of opportunity of frozen ground to shovel the soiled shavings from the hen house and replace them with fresh. With all the rain, the ground surrounding the hens is incredibly swampy. Somehow, we managed to site the structure on high ground. Amazing stroke of luck. Then I containerized their food for the week, not entirely pleasant working in the garden shed with temps hovering around freezing.

Back inside the house, I cleaned all the bathrooms, almost calling it a day, but decided to get a headstart on one of those last winter chores. That would be scrubbing the cabinets, and surprise, before I knew it, I was done. After a quick lunch (beef and homemade noodles) from the freezer, I tucked a garbage bag in my pocket, walked over to Susan Case's to deliver eggs, get my walking in, and picked up trash along the highway on the way home. I finished up checking Mike and Marsha's, the snowdrops out back (in a state of limbo), then treated myself to an afternoon of painting in the basement. What a great feeling, to have only one winter chore left (taking the office apart to clean the desk and shutters). And how gratifying to spend the rest of the afternoon painting. I listen to NPR radio or beautiful music while I enjoy my artiwork. Annie, you suggested that I take a photo of my 'studio', so here it is:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Flirtations with Spring

Here in Ohio we have some pretty cold and snowy weather, but that is usually interrupted by some delightful days of cold and sun, or even warmth and sun. Not so this year, which has delivered two months of unrelenting cold and grey. The cross country skiing made it more tolerable, but even then, winter was becoming tortuous, and my mental outlook began to deteriorate.

Over the weekend we were treated to sunshine and an afternoon high of 57 degrees. Bruce suggested that we walk to the back and look for snowdrops, our first harbinger of the new season. We were not in luck, however, as the brave green shoots had not yet broken through the snow. Oh, well, perhaps another day.

This morning I decided to take advantage of the frozen ground, and spent about an hour cutting back our asparagus stalks. I fed two bunches of them to the hens, who made quick work of them. I'll feed the rest to them throughout the week. It was so much easier to work on the frozen ground, as opposed to the squishy mudville which is soon to come.

After lunch I decided to revisit the back property, in search of snowdrops. The ground in the back was still fairly snow-covered, shaded by the branches of the trees. I could still find remnants of our frozen xc ski tracks, from where we had compacted the snow. I then checked out the stream on the property behind our house, which has been running all winter long. The birds were very vocal, woodpeckers and Carolina wrens. I even saw a pair of bluebirds on Sunday, checking out our bluebird box by the sunporch. Come walk with me . . .

Disappearing Cross Country Ski Trail

Quiet Stream

Hurrah! The first snowdrops!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sorry You Couldn't Make It, Susie

My niece has moved to a new address within their school system. Before she lived near the outskirts of her village, and last week moved to a lovely 1930's Tudor home in the heart of the village. We sisters are so happy for her. This is the house we dreamed of as children. I always wanted to live in one of the Tudors on Central Avenue or behind Aunt Clarie's home. We played in these homes growing up, and loved the architecture and bones of these very unique houses.

Clarie's home is on a quiet street, has roomy bedrooms that I did not photograph (Davey was painting), roomy closets, large bathrooms, and plenty of storage space. The fourth bedroom suite is on the third floor, designed as the maid's quarters, similar to Clarie's sister, Val's home in Toledo. The family plans on settling in to their new home, keep up with the maintenance, and evaluating interior decorators' ideas and projects with time. The house is very livable as is, so there is no hurry to rush the renovations. I spent some time in the kitchen with my sister Annie, and felt very comfortable and at ease prepping food in the existing set up. Of course, Annie was a great sous chef!

I took a few photos of the downstairs for Susie, who was watching Lola, Clarie and Mallory, while Alison had the family car repaired. Hope you too enjoy our wintry day and family time with Annie and Davey, Clarie, Steve, and Katie (Annie II had a volleyball game after school).

Front Door with beveled glass. Love the radiators.

Staircase next to front door. Exquisite woodwork. Dad would have loved it.

Sunken living room next to front door. I should have tried to photograph the detailing on the metal doors
on the window seats. For wood storage? They had lovely birds on them. How original!

Lovely sunroom on the east side of the house. You can see the lights of Blue Ash
at night from this room. Clarie's house is near the top of the ridge and has a nice elevation.

Annie in the very workable, cook-friendly kitchen.

Steve came home for lunch. To his right is a lovely archway into the kitchen.
Dang. I didn't capture that in my photographs.

Roomy dining room right past the breakfast room.
Davey scooted out of this picture too soon.

Downstairs bathroom. The upstairs baths are very similar: roomy with great details.

Now, I need to get back to Val's soon and give her some of my time. Val, start making a list. This weather has made taking care of hens, well, not challenging, but not something that you want to ask your neighbors to do: trek across the ice twice a day to water, feed and gather eggs. We've had to trouble shoot a few problems (doors sticking, iced handles) that I shouldn't leave for our dear neighbors. And I need to get down South and visit with my own girls, whom I've missed over this long winter.