Sunday, November 6, 2011

Zany Zelda

We knew we could never replace Grace. As everyone whoever interacted with her knew, she was a most unusual kitty, incredibly patient of children, scoffing and disappearing when the dogs appeared, and always ready for a hike or a kitty massage. We went to the Clinton County Humane Society with the plan to look, reenforce that there are always kitties there for adoption, and return in the spring for a very young female kitty. Those of you who know Bruce, know that would not happen. We could not replace Grace, but we could fill a very empty hole in our hearts. Grace was easy to photograph, Zelda has been a challenge. It is eerie how much she looks like Grace, yet so different. Her underside is much more buff colored, her ears and tail longer. She runs to us, always, loves being petted, but resists being held. I walked Grace all over Camp Colegate as a kitten. We keep reminding ourselves not to make comparisons. We'll love her unconditionally, as she is slowly mending that deep wound.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tribute to Grace

Words can't express our love of our dear kitty.
Please take time to visit and enjoy our memories of Grace throughout the years at Camp Colegate.

This is our view from the kitchen and porch.
In the summer Grace spent the last minutes of the day here, watching the sun set.
We chose this area as Grace's final resting place.  I had labeled this photo 'Grace's Throne.'