Saturday, January 29, 2011

Through Our Camp Colegate Windows

One of the fun challenges of building a house and then developing the landscape is developing one's mantra for choices. We purchased the property in 1996, and I began to formulate our ideas in 1997 for construction the summer of 1998. Cost containment was paramount, as was one-floor living and communication with the outdoors.  There was some debate over siting the house in the middle of the property, or toward the back (bye-bye bonfire area) where the house would be more sheltered from the elements. We favored the central location, in order to visually and physically extend our property. The central location provided us both a front and back destination, as opposed to offering a walk to only the front of the property.

The outdoor rooms have been equally important, as we wanted to be able to step outside in all types of weather to experience the sunrise, the moon and stars, the arrival of a storm, and any unexpected surprise from nature. We have woken up each other in the middle of the night to bundle up and lie in the chaise lounges on the back patio in order to watch spectacular meteor showers. I have practised my Tai Chi on the front porch with the first light of dawn. I have wrapped young grands up in my Indian blanket and hugged them tightly as we watched the sun rise. We were also dazzled witha spectacular lightening storm preceeding a devastating tornado. Denny, our best friend and builder, had woken us from our slumber to seek the safety of the basement, to which we then rushed.

From the blueprints and raising of the framework came my mantra, that the purpose of each room was to draw one's eyes to the outside. Well, that doesn't sound like a mantra to me, but some take off on that thought drove the design and construction of this house. Nature was to be the star and the main theme of this house. It was important that one's vision be directed outside, and not be detracted nor delayed by the interior or its contents. At the same time, Bruce and I also were drawn to outdoor sculpture, which nature and landscaping have provided for us.

So, join me one snowy morning as I walk around the house, snapping photos through our Camp Colegate windows or stepping out on our porches. You won't get chilled!

Dawn at Camp Colegate

View of the garden and pond from the front porch

Out the guest room window

Sun porch views

Sun porch vistas

Zooming in on our suet feeder and cardinal

Snow-covered spruces

Contorted locust trees through living room shutters

Goodnight, Moon  (and odd reflections)!

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