Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lovely Church Activity and Brunch

For the past few years, my good friend Pat has invited me to her church group's wreath making brunch for Christian fellowship and music. It is a truly special holiday event, and I cherish the invitation and experience. The gathering is held at King's Domain, which occupies the hill in the Deerfield Gorge which lies opposite of Fort Ancient, and diagonally from Camp Kern. The magic begins as one winds one's way up the hill on a narrow, tree-lined incline, opening up to a gorgeous conference center nestled in a beech forest. One enters the center to be greeted by the most amazing women who have organized this event for a unique and fulfilling Christian and creative experience.

In preparation for this event, a theme is chosen,  speakers and music are arranged for the program, a menu is planned for the conference staff to prepare, and greens are collected for the wreath making. Pat and her friend Jill decorated this huge center in the theme of caroling, which carried through the entire program. When you enter this huge room in the woods, you are greeted by the hostesses and Pat and Jill's amazing decorations. There is a roaring fire in the fireplace, work tables loaded with greens, and beautifully decorated dining tables.

The gal who leads the wreath making used to live in Lebanon on 6-8 acres (sound familiar?), but moved to Monument, Colorado, a few years ago to be near her son's family. Each December Donna and her husband return to Ohio to visit friends and family and participate in this event.

Lin the organizer, Donna the wreath maker, and friend

Candles wrapped in carols, red carol placemats, and rolled caroling favors.
Some of the women added the rolled carols to their wreaths - lovely!

Donna and Pat in action
The sun had come out when the speakers and musicians began their program, which resulted in a lovely shadowed effect. The speakers were all young women engaged in teaching, either in the school systems or volunteering in the schools. They were so inspiring in their messages regarding the three carols the group chose. The musicians provided flute, violin, vocal, and keyboard music, as they led the group in the carols. They presented the music in a slower, more haunting tempo than I had ever experienced.

As always, thank you Pat, for including me in this very special holiday fellowship.
And thanks to Bruce, who brought my camera to me.

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